Room cleaning drama, day 2.

Today started rough but in the end, I think we all got on the same page.

So they knew that today they were going to have to continue and I was going to ask them again to make their bed and put everything left on the floor on their bed.

So I literally stood outside in the hallway between their two bedrooms to keep prodding them.

When I say put everything from the floor on the bed, I mean it. Don’t put anything away. Don’t play with anything. Don’t try to leave the room. Literally put every piece of everything from the floor onto the bed.

Okay, now… Katie, pull out all the Barbies. No not the clothes. No not the Legos. The Barbies. Not the garbage. No! Not the stuffed animals. The Barbies. Okay, now the clothes and just the clothes. No not the Legos. One thing at a time. One thing. Clothes.

Owen, you pick out socks and underwear. Just socks and underwear. No! Don’t put them away. Get all of them first. You dropped one, pick it up. I see more socks. Dig through everything on the bed.

Katie, are you done? Now do stuffed animals. Good. Now crayons and pencils. Put them in your art basket. No, don’t do Legos. Just pencils. Don’t touch anything else.

Owen, now do Pokémon cards. Move stuff around and find them all. No don’t set them there. Put. Them. Away. You have a Pokémon card box. Use it.

Katie! Just crayons and pencils. In the art box, not on your bedside table…

Left, right, left, right, left right. The ping pong match from hell. An hour later it was passable.

We were up there so long Maggie even joined us…and napped!

Their reward for keeping their rooms clean? The Amazon dots they’ve spied in my room. Their rooms get too messy? Unplugged and removed. Easy.

Wish us all luck.

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