Going outside my (shadow) box!

Now, if y’all know me, I don’t really do shadows. (Frankly I kind of suck.) But I watched an amazing SeneSister do this eye look yesterday and she is so fun and genuine (sidenote I totally want to be her new bestie) that I was compelled to comment. When I said if I tried this look I’d end up looking like I have two black eyes…she challenged me. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED, Joyanne Boggs!!

I then totally fangirled over her and she graciously agreed to come to my group and do a demo for us (coming soon)!! But first today. Today I attempted this (minus the fake lashes because a girl can only do so much) and Joy had faith and showed up for emotional (and technical) support. And guys? It was a blast and I didn’t totally suck!

There was an unexplained Lapis Glitter incident 🤨 😂 plus I learned I still really need practice (I’m definitely not at her level!)…but overall, I’m really proud of myself for stepping outside my box!! #senesistersrock

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