This is Fun Mom™ after three trips down the waterslide.

So Fun Mom™ made an appearance today at the water park: I went down the water slides with both my kids and got totally dunked each time! They thought it was the best thing ever—the whole way down on the double tube with Owen he was giggling like crazy, and upon retelling the story to Tom that night you could see him reliving the moments with a huge smile on his face.

And you know what? I had fun, too. I mean, who doesn’t want to feel like a kid again as your tube races down the slide (much faster than you remember as a child!) and you careen around the corners (OMG we’re coming way closer to the edge than I remember!) and and not one single thought of work or adulthood or chores enter your mind for those 17 seconds it takes to reach the bottom.

It’s amazing what can happen when you stop caring about what you look like or what the water will do to your hair or how you don’t want to get wet…and just think about making memories with your kids.

And here’s proof!! A friend caught us getting out of the pool!!

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