The last day of 1st and 4th!

This is what happens when you give your 10yo the phone to try and take a pic on their last day of school. 😂

It looks like all smiles and laughs but we parents all know the day is bittersweet as we’re reminded just how quickly time passes and how lightning fast they are growing up. Weren’t they just in diapers a few months ago? Weren’t they just getting on the bus for the first time? Before you know it they’ll be graduating and moving out and getting married. 😭

These are the feelings I’m going to try and remember this summer when they are making me crazy with 1000 snack requests and whines of “I’m bored.” And I’m going to try and take in each moment and relish the fact they’re still actually little kids. 🥰

First and last days of school. The district actually has three more days due to snow days but we had a family reunion vacation planned for months so today is it for them. We also had a Katie outfit change with lots of drama because she’s ALMOST SEVEN and everything is filled with drama. 😂🤦🏻‍♀️

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