Such a drama queen.

So Katie has been playing with friends since about 11am. Within 5 minutes of her getting home at 6, and being asked to finish unloading the dishwasher (one of her few household chores), she started being snotty to me, asking WHY she had to unload the dishwasher and why *I* never did it. She kept being snotty and we warned her to watch her tone or she would go to her room. Her response was “NO. I WILL NOT GO TO MY ROOM.”

So I reached out to her shoulders to turn her around toward her room, and Miss Drama Queen flings herself to the ground and starts screaming at me for throwing her. 🙄

Tom came over to get her up to her room and I tell her that we don’t need this drama queen attitude and as she is stomping up the stairs and slamming her door, she screams I AM NOT A DRAMA QUEEN. 😂😂 Yes, I burst out laughing.

Is it time for them to go back to school YET? PLEASE?

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