Most of you know I lost a lot of weight a few years ago. And it was mostly easy–141 pounds in 1.5 years eating whatever I wanted with just walking as my exercise? Sign me up! And I swore I’d never let myself get that heavy again. But friends, maintenance is a slippery slope and a few pounds here and there add up. No, I am not back to my original weight, but I have gained back an embarrassing amount. 🤦‍♀️

I have tried to restart a handful of times now–and have lost like 10# each time–but I always went back to my bad habits pretty quickly. I mean, MARGARITAS, y’all…and all. the. food. all. the. time. And I mean ALL the food.

But, shit got serious when my pants went past just being tight and actually stopped fitting. Like can’t even get them on to zip them. Since I had followed Naturally Slim rules, I had gotten rid of all my bigger sizes so I wouldn’t be tempted to let myself get back to that size…so it was yoga pants, leggings, and maxi skirts for me! But then I remembered that I had actually kept like 3 pair of jeans in one size up…so those are now in my closet.


Tom and I have BOTH restarted Naturally Slim again. We are on Day 5 and I am currently down 10.2 pounds! (Man oh man do I love the first week back on the plan!) And I have walked every morning (with the kids!) this week.

So, I did it once…I can do it again. I simply have to. I have too many damn cute clothes in my closet that I want to wear again!! 😜

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