Do you open your circle or leave it closed?

I never thought about my situation (being a military spouse) in quite these terms but as soon as I read it I knew it was perfect. 😢

I can’t tell you the number of times that I have tried to get into a circle of women and they just ignored me or barely talked to me. School, sports, work, business–take your pick. They have their friends and their circle and anyone not already in it is not really welcome.

I’m sure they don’t really think that much about some random woman saying something to them or asking a question–and they might answer or chat pleasantly for a minute–but then they go back to their own group. If they even let you in at all. It’s exhausting and annoying and depressing and I get tired of it duty station after duty station.

Which is why when someone actually takes a minute to talk with you and connect with you AND OPENS THE CIRCLE, you have made a friend (or friends) for life.

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