Today’s life tip brought to you by me and Lake County 911.


Guys, you should really learn what cell phone button presses set off the emergency contact/911 sequence. (FYI, for iPhones you rapidly press the top or side button five times.)

I had my phone wrapped in my leggings waistband and wanted to turn the volume down without unwrapping it… Nothing was happening and then I heard a weird loud noise I’d never heard. I quickly unwrapped my phone to see my phone dialing 911. I hung up (wasn’t sure if it had connected yet) and then had to stop my phone from dialing my emergency contacts.

THEN I had to answer a callback from Lake County 911 checking if everything was okay.

I explained what had happened and told her I was mortified. 😣 They were nice about it.

Upshot? Lake County 911 is on the ball.

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