Mammogram Redux

So if you remember I had a mammogram a little while back. I don’t care about them, they are no sweat, who cares, just another day. I got a phone call a day or so later saying everything looked good on my bloodwork, so I forgot about it.

Well, if you can guess where I’m going with this… About 5 days later I get a registered letter from the hospital and…I was getting called back for further evaluation. So, the other call was obviously ONLY for bloodwork and NOT the mammogram…which makes sense now, but when you have been to the hospital four out of five days for many different appointments, there could be confusion.

Thankfully I am not one to spiral and I did not even google anything…but still, I won’t lie, there was that moment of panic. So I had to wait for my PCM to call back with a consultation order and then I got to schedule the callback mammogram.

The day of I still wasn’t really worried or concerned. I knew the likelihood of finding anything was low, but in the back of my mind…the niggling voice was still there… What if??? Which got worse as the ultrasounds continued (they had to do each side) and then it was over and I was waiting for the doctor.

He came in within five minutes and said straight up “You’re all clear. Everything is benign. See you in a year!”


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