Let’s just say we don’t have good backs in our house.

I threw my back out last week and Tom threw his out yesterday (reaching for something he dropped). He managed to hold out overnight until the kids went to school before going to the ER…

The typical drug routine didn’t work this time so long story short about five hours in (when his pain level was still at a 10) they ended up admitting him so they could do an MRI (the ER couldn’t administer it on their own for whatever reason).

I had to go home to eat lunch, pack his overnight bag, get the kids off the bus, and then we all went back for a picnic dinner and some cuddles.

He seemed a little better, but then he wasn’t moving. He said his pain was about a 3 laying there but any time he tried to move or stand it was a 10. He has an MRI scheduled for the morning so hopefully we will know more then.

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