So here’s what happened this morning.

🐈 I decided I was going to do a cat eye no matter what. Every single time I try this I say I’m going to just go balls to the wall and draw that cat eye like nobody’s business but I really meant it.

And then I started and it looked good…until I let go of my eye and–voilà!–it completely disappeared! DAMMIT. I added some more liner. It still disappeared. 📸 You can see the result: on the left, I’m pulling it taut and it looks smashing; on the right, I let go and buh-bye cat eye. Up close it was even more horrific. 😂 😡😣😢 I just don’t think my old baggy-ass eyes are cut out for a cat eye.

I posted my lament to a group I’m in and they basically said GO BIG OR GO HOME or get over yourself and do it like you mean it. My actual text to them: 💬 The amount of eyeliner I have on my eyes right now is completely frightening. Like it literally covers my entire eyelid and almost goes out to my eyebrows.

📸 You can kind of see it on the right. Crazy, right?! And while it looked kinda okay (like I went out in public with it), it’s nothing I’d want to do on a regular basis.

I sent the pics to one of my stylists (now don’t I sound all fancy) because she has agreed to help me learn how to actually do make up this year…and I had to show her just how desperate my situation was. I might have scared her off as she hasn’t responded yet. 😳😂

But the moral of the story is JUST TRY IT–it’s only makeup. And even if you screw it up badly there’s still comedic value in pictures.

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