Winging it in the kitchen…

Holy crap! I just winged the most delicious tomato soup from some old roasted tomatos/onions, some leftover “chicken water” (from those chicken breasts I cooked in the instant pot last week), and a few seasonings. I want to eat this all RIGHT NOW. Maybe this will be dinner…except I doubt either kid will eat it… 😣 How come they don’t know how good they have it to have a mom who cooks real food?!

And yes, that’s a tomato seed in my hair. 😂 I’ve also been chopping the last of our tomatoes for more roasting.

3pm edit: HA! It’s now being turned into goulash!! I put noodles in it…and they kept growing and sucked all the liquid out! So now I’ve added leftover hamburger and a few more spices! And it’s still delicious!

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