Day 7 — Sea Day

Tom started his day (as he’s started most all other days) with a run up at the gym while I stay behind and watch the ocean pass by as I write notes about our days.

Today was our last full day on the ship so it was time to do a few things we’d not gotten to all week—mainly, the Ultimate Abyss, a huge 10-story dry slide. (You can watch someone else’s video of it here.)

I am really glad we didn’t have to wait in line for it, because while it was fun, it wasn’t worth any more than maybe a 10-minute wait. Strangely, even though there wasn’t a line, for some weird reason it felt very awkward to stop and look around and take any pics. I regret that now, because it really was a cool sight (after the fact I realized the floor was see-through—I totally missed that!). I did snap this one looking out of the very top.

Here’s the only pic we got of it (from the first day when we attempted to go down, but were stopped because we had a backpack).

Today was also the day to hit the casino! We each had a free $5 credit to use, and we went through it pretty quickly, though playing the penny slots made it last a little longer. I did win some bigger amount of pennies at one point which was VERY exciting, even though I had NO idea what was going on on the machine (turns out it was a touch screen and I had to pick some squares to see what I won—and even then I’m not sure exactly what I won). All I know is at one point I was back up to 530 pennies after being down to like 200 pennies. 🙂

And then I took this pic for my mom. I didn’t play because I was out of credits.

And then off for a glass of Moscato, since I’d avoided it all week (I’m learning that wine gives me a headache). Ti was shocked—SHOCKED I TELL YOU—when I ordered this. 🙂

Oh, also? I bought a tiara. I’d looked at it at the beginning of the trip and said “I don’t need a tiara” but when it was still there this late in the week, I said WHY NOT? I can wear it for the ball…or just around for the hell of it. I LOVE IT.

Back at our bar before dinner…

This was our dining room.

And tonight we joined our other friends’ table again since we were tablemateless AGAIN. They all LOVED the tiara. 🙂

Taking some time after dinner to pack…all the liquor we bought. 🙂 Yes we did have to buy another suitcase on board (souvenir!!) so realistically we probably didn’t save THAT much money, but it’s always fun to buy alcohol on board so as we drink it at home we can relive the memories.

The last thing we wanted to do was have a drink in the Rising Tide bar—it’s a bar that rises up and down in the middle of the ship (starting on 5, the Promenade, and going to to 8, Central Park). We’d wanted to do it all week but it always had a line (there’s only like 20-25 seats). So as we were walking by, we noticed it was getting ready to load and there was no one in line yet so we snagged a place! Unfortunately, no one else in our group made it on with us…and we thought a round trip up and down would be like 30 minutes, but it was more like an hour—it only took like 7 minutes to rise up three stories and then stopped at the top for SOOOO long that we eventually just got off. It wasn’t very exciting. We did get a cool view of our regular bar, though.

In trying to finish all the things, we went back to Zoltar YET AGAIN and once more it still wasn’t working. That made about our fifth time trying it. Here’s what I think of you, Zoltar.

Leslie grabbed Ti to take a pic of our group on the stairs. Not our whole group, of course, but whoever was right there. It’s not the best pic but such good memories.

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