What is life like without kids around?

If I had to pick ONE word (other than amazing), it’s quiet. And it’s wonderful. Most days I don’t even put any music on. It’s so nice to not hear fighting or asking for snacks every 20 minutes or having to be a referee or negotiator or repeating myself 13 times to get anything done.

I tell people that I haven’t missed the kids at all…and I’m not joking. I love them with ever fiber of my being, but I don’t miss having to be on duty 24/7. (Tom misses them but he only gets to see them a few hours between when he gets home and they go to bed. I get them ALL DAY. And therein lies the difference.)

How else is life different?

  • We can cook whatever we want for a meal at the drop of a hat. We don’t need to discuss anything or think if either kid will like it or what they might get as an alternative (or make an alternative). Consequently meals are super easy and relaxing as there’s no whining or complaining about what there is to eat.
  • We can watch a full non-PG movie before bedtime! We can start it right after dinner and be done by 9! We can never attempt this with the kids there because they always meander back into the room. I think we watched three this week.
  • We can binge watch a TV series. This week it’s The Handmaid’s Tale.
  • We can go anywhere together at the drop of a hat. No wondering where the kids are and trying to get them home or asking other parents if the kids can hang out while we run an errand…or negotiating which of us is going and which is staying or listening to them whine about having to go with us.
  • And we can have sex at a reasonable hour (LOL).

And I’m sure I’m forgetting stuff.

I just know the kids are having a great time and we haven’t been alone alone like this since before Owen was born. And it was much needed.

And it’s going to happen next summer, too. 🙂

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