Snafus + glitches = wine

This is me after yet another day of excruciatingly annoying beind-the-scenes glitches and snafus. Who knew relaunching a business would be so stressful?! πŸ™‚

Here’s one thing I was dealing with… Are you guys ready for a laugh? I requested a cartoon avatar from a designer at Fiverr and this is what he gave me. YIKES!

He pretty much didn’t follow ANY instruction I gave him other than I’m female with dark hair holding a margarita. I honestly think he forgot about it (he was past due) and when I called him on it, he grabbed the closest clip art that matched. It’s already been refunded, but I that means I have to start all over with someone else.

And another thing? My shipping company sends out BCC tracking notifications…except I wasn’t getting them. They simply told me they were going out fine and to check with my email provider. I did my own troubleshooting with a friend, we identified where the problem was, Google customer support confirmed it, so I got to go back to the shipping company and say “No, it IS on your end.” And oh yeah, my support request doesn’t show up anywhere in their online portal and no one can figure out why. (See, one little problem after another. Eventually they discovered the issue on their end but it took a week!) I’m very thankful for my friend Tori who is basically my go-to guru for anything graphics, design, or IT…or, hell, life! πŸ™‚ She keeps me laughing through it all.

So tonight I’m trying a blueberry wine that Lin brought back from Florida…it’s not a margarita but it’s an interesting change of pace.

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