Workhouse Carnival, Year 2

Opening day was the only day we could go, so off we went!

My first carnival ride in who knows how long! It was Owen’s first time on this ride and while he didn’t love it (it went a little fast, he didn’t like going backwards, and he didn’t like the loud siren), he was a trooper!

This is him listening to the ride after we got off:

Katie wanted to do the fun house…amd was super excited ablit it…

Running into it, still excited…

And about 10 seconds later, this is where it ended—when she refused to try climbing up the rope netting to the next level.

So after trying to convince her to just try it, she turned around and walked out. She actually got her tickets back, though, so that was a bonus. Then both kids DESPERATELY wanted to grab the ducks to get stupid cheap crappy toys. Ugh. It was $5 for three ducks, so we chose that—except, of course, if TWO kids want to share grabbing the three ducks, it’s $6. SERIOUSLY? So then they both picked swords. We explained to Owen that this was exactly like Chuck E. Cheese with the dollar store toys that weren’t worth what you paid for them and he could have gotten SIX of the identical swords had we just bought them. Hopefully it sinks in like the Chuck E. Cheese lesson finally did. But they were happy.

Then Katie wanted to go on the carousel. Owen didn’t, of course (they didn’t like any of the same rides), so she did it by herself, sitting on the seat because she wants NOTHING to do with sitting on an animal.




After which we took our family photo:


And Katie’s last ride:

And Owen’s last ride:

Of course they didn’t want to leave, but we had blown through $30 in tickets and games in a half hour so we were done. If they really liked the rides I would be more willing to buy more tickets, but they honestly just want the cheap crappy toys so I’m MUCH less willing to pay for that.

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