First day of summer break

The day started off okay but I may have wanted to punch both of them by noon.

Mom, I want a snack. Mooom, Katie spilled her water. Mom, Maggie stole my seat. Mooom, I don’t want to take a shower. Mom, I want to go somewhere special. Mom, I want a snack.

I take them to a neighborhood playground. Mom, it’s hot out. Mom, my legs are tired. Mom, I don’t want to play with Katie. Mom, I want to go home.

I tell them if the weather stays nice we’ll go to the pool. So every five minutes: I want to go to the pool. It’s not open yet. Mom, I want to go to the pool. Mom, I’m hungry. Mom, I want a snack. Mom, play a game with me. Mom, can I watch Netflix? Mom, Owen is in my way. Mom, I want to do rock painting. Mom, Owen is opening the door.

And on and on and on.


At least they had fun at the park for 15 whole minutes.


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