Katie, are you excited about starting school?

I think so. 🙂

My prayers have been answered! I got an email Tuesday night saying they now have room for her in the peer modeling program! It’s only two afternoons a week (12:40-4) but that’s seven hours of sanity I get back every week! 🙂 Today we went in to meet the head teacher (love her!) and see Katie’s room. Katie made herself right at home—took her jacket off and started playing! It was the end of their morning, though, so it was actually time to put toys away and she jumped right in and helped! They told me she could actually stay for the afternoon if we wanted but we already had plans to meet friends at the park. (Dang!)

Katie had been very concerned that we had forgotten her backpack but I assured her we didn’t need it today and we’d have it ready for Monday. (She has decided she’ll use Owen’s old Minions backpack!)

The only downsides are that she’s supposed to have lunch and a snack there so that’s another lunch and snack I have to prep. (She could eat the school lunch but A) I don’t see that happening and B) I’m not paying $3/day for that—I won’t even do it for Owen.) She could eat at home beforehand, but then what’s she supposed to do while everyone is eating lunch? (Worst case I guess I could do two snacks. I mean, she loves snacks so that might be a bonus for her.) And of course I have to drop her off and pick her up (actual students have their own bus) but even so, I don’t have to physically go into he classroom—they meet us on the curb. Woohoo!

Needless to say we’re all very, very excited!!

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