Katie’s eventful walk in the woods. 

We all went out for a walk since it was such a nice day. It was also a test for Katie—she always wants to go with me/Owen but it’s two miles and I know she’d want me to carry her…and that ain’t happening. (Daddy usually ends up carrying her so she’s spoiled…but I can’t do it.) So…off we went. Some days she likes to be the Line Leader. Today she wanted to be pokey and hold daddy’s hand.

And before we even completed the first mile, her legs were tired and she wanted to be carried. See?! I knew it! So Tom carried her off and on. And then…she had to go potty. So off they went for her first potty in the woods! Which didn’t go very well and she peed on her pants (but we were almost finished by that point so no biggie).

One Reply to “Katie’s eventful walk in the woods. ”

  1. Cute. I love it that Tom was the one to take her into the woods to pee! Reminds me of the time I took you for a walk back to the bridge on the river behind our subdivision and you had to POOP! Good Lord Ethel.

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