I didn’t expect weight loss to cost this much.

So, my tension-mount wedding ring is falling off and needs to be resized from a 7 to a 5.5.

We’ve known since we bought it that if it ever needed to be resized, it wouldn’t be your typical easy resize job. I remember them telling us it could be around $100. Fine. So fast forward to now when I actually need it resized and I contacted a few local recommended jewelers.


Two places won’t even touch it because of the style, one won’t touch it because we didn’t buy it there, and one says “We can try and see what happens.” 😮

So I contacted the jeweler where we bought it and, long story short, they just informed me it can’t be resized that much [due to the style] and it will have to be remade…at a cost of $1200. TWELVE HUNDRED FUCKING DOLLARS. I can’t live with the cheapo $5 plastic sizer piece on it forever, but we can’t very well afford $1200 to fix a goddamn ring. FML.

A few people have suggested maybe it’s time to upgrade…especially because we hit 15 years this year. But I don’t really want to upgrade!! I honestly can’t imagine finding anything I like more than my ring. I still LOVELOVELOVE it after 15 years.

I knew there would be costs associated with this new body, but I honestly never thought about my ring.

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