What a discouraging week. Blurg.

I’m really bummed this morning. I just weighed myself for my weekly weigh-in and…I’m up about four pounds from last Sunday!


Now, granted, last Sunday I weighed on a different scale (at my mom’s house)…BUT it’s the exact scale we have and my previous weighings on her scale showed similar results to mine (meaning I weighed myself Sunday night when we got there and it was up 2-3 pounds from my house, which was likely attributable to weighing at night with clothes as opposed to naked in the morning).

If our scale is right, I didn’t lose anything at all the entire week we were in Michigan when I was eating like a bird because I wasn’t hungry. Seems highly unlikely. Gah.

THAT SAID, I know I haven’t been 100% on my game because this past week just felt off all week. One or two days I ate a few pieces of Halloween candy (like a few sweet tarts, a mini kit kat, and a mini Reese’s cup—allowed, of course, except I didn’t eat them at the “right” time)—then I ate “dinner” (1/3 cup mac and cheese and 1/2 a brat) at 8:00 even though I wasn’t technically at the correct hunger level. And I didn’t exercise like I normally do. And on more than a few days it felt like I just wanted to eat ALL THE FOOD ALL THE TIME (even though I didn’t). It’s not “that time of the month” because that doesn’t happen on the birth control I’m on…but whatever the reason is I hate it. I don’t want to eat. I’m not hungry. But I want everything. And my normal willpower has dissipated.

Fortunately, this is a new week and I’ll just get back to basics (again) and hopefully I’ll lose another seven like I did a few weeks ago.

But in the meantime, I do try to remember that I’ve already lost a serious amount of weight in quite a short time and I should be thrilled (which I am!) but it’s hard not to be somewhat discouraged about such a huge unexpected swing. 🙁

3 Replies to “What a discouraging week. Blurg.”

  1. It’s just fluctuation! And you are right, look at what you’ve already accomplished!! Holy cow! I know it’s frustrating, but look at the big picture! Or rather, look at the little you in the big picture! You have done fantastic!

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