Workhouse Art Festival

There was lots of gorgeous stuff, but it was all very expensive. We saw some glass birch tree pieces we liked—but at $2400 for the set, it was just a bit out of our price range.

So we had lunch from the food trucks instead. This one caught my eye.

I posted the pic on Facebook and a local friend said he’s seen that truck in DC with lines 30-40 long! Woohoo! We had no line!

Everything on the menu sounded appealing but as soon as I saw Lobster BLT I knew that was it. YUM.

Tom had meatloaf/mac and cheese sliders from another food truck…which were really good, too.

Then the kids did an art project—coloring luminaries for an upcoming art installation in Richmond.

Black text: Bownis = Bonus
Dark pink text: Go away
Silver text: 150 poites = points

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