Back to School Night

We were the first family in Owen’s classroom so he wasn’t too shy…and agreed to a picture with his new teacher, Mrs. Talley.

I took advantage of the empty room by taking a few room photos.


As more and more people arrived, he got more and more shy…and was eventually glued to my side. There are six kids total from his Kindergarten class (24 students total) so it’s nice that they start with friends. He also knows a neighbor girl (from our street) and a boy we met through t-ball (the older brother of a teammate) so he’s happy!

The teacher had a brief presentation and it was much less chaotic than the Kindergarten one last year! When I got home, I found this picture on the school’s Facebook page—you can see Tom and Katie at the very right edge and I’m sitting in front of them. 

What might have been the best part of the event, though, was talking to the preschool director about getting Katie in the Peer Modeling program (it was recommended by a friend). The actual pre-school program is for high-risk or special needs-type students, but they have preschool-aged peers come into the class to model behaviors and skills. And it doesn’t cost anything! (I just have to provide transportation and lunch/snack. I can do that!) I filled out the paperwork and now just have to wait—they typically invite kids to the classroom for a trial period and see how it goes or where the best fit would be. I’m practically jumping for joy to think about her being in preschool for three days a week! And she’d be in the same hallway as Owen!

So the night was a success!

2 Replies to “Back to School Night”

  1. OMG, how awesome! Owen’s class and teacher look fantastic. And just the thought of getting Katie in for peer model behaviors! She would be perfect! Sure hope you get it! Wonder how many they need and how many apply? Fantastico! Katie would be so excited to be able to go to school where Owee goes!

  2. The director said there are five preschool classes and each class usually has 1-2 peer models. She seemed to think we’d have a good chance (i.e. she didn’t say they were full). But if needs change and they need fewer/more peers, they might not need us anymore. I’m definitely keeping my fingers crossed!

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