Minivan update

So about two weeks after we got the minivan, it just hit me—I’d been liking that everything in the minivan was where I expected it to be or it just worked like I thought it should—as opposed to the Mazda which never seemed to do anything logically. I was telling this to Tom and he said “It’s a Toyota. It’s your Highlander but bigger.”

Ahhhh. That made total sense. I still hate that we own a minivan, but once I started thinking about it as just being a bigger Highlander, I accepted it much quicker. 🙂 And it is a really REALLY nice car with a ton of extras…which helps the transition, too.

The final test will be our upcoming road trip to Michigan. My plan (hope?) is that we will actually be able to see out the back of the vehicle instead of being packed in like sardines like we were with the past two cars!

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