Katie took a car nap today. 

We got stuck in traffic on the way home from an errand and this happened:

When we finally got home it was very close to the time when I needed to pick Owen up from the bus so I assumed she would wake up when I turned the car off. Nope. Okay then…when I opened my door. Nope. Okay then…she’d have to wake up when I opened the rear liftgate and it beeped. Nope. Okay, seriously? She’d HAVE to wake up when I opened HER door. Nope. Wow, she was really out.

Snoring, even. 🙂

So, I figured I would just leave her in the car (since I could see her from the bus stop and it was a wonderful 70°)—buckled in with the doors open—and I would be back from the bus stop in about 10 minutes. So I opened Owen’s door so she would get cross-ventilation…and of course that’s when she woke up. And she was, as expected after a too-brief nap, a mess. 🙁

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