Maggie’s Hematoma

On New Year’s Day, we discovered Maggie had an inflamed ear. Imagine a bubble in a potato chip but filled with…stuff. Google said ear mites or pooling blood and we determined it was likely a hematoma. Of course the vet wasn’t open since it was a holiday and Tom assured me his dogs had it in the past and it wasn’t an emergency…but I still felt awful for her (even though she doesn’t seem to be bothered by it).

We got her in this afternoon. She LOVED the adoptable kitties in the waiting room. She wanted to play with them SO badly! She was even barking (and you know she rarely barks!) and trying to get IN the cage.


The other people in the waiting room loved her, of course. πŸ™‚

So, we got TWO verdicts: a yeast infection in her ear and the the hematoma (possibly related but not 100%).

So we have drops for the infection and steroid pills are the recommended first course of treatment for the hematoma. The doctor has only done one surgery for a hematoma in five years (and that was for a dog who couldn’t handle the steroid pills) so we’re keeping our fingers crossed because the surgery is about $800.

As it was, with the vaccines (catching up from things due in October), tests (catching up, plus the ear stuff), meds (the above plus heartworm), and exam, it was a $400 visit. But, we were overdue for about $200 of that.

Maggie was so stressed out that she was drooling like mad and foaming at the mouth. She’s normally fine at the vet so I think it was just too much stimuli (those kittens! plus all the new smells!):



This was her on the way home. πŸ™‚


And now she’s sleeping like a baby.

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