Kidisms 1

This would have been Owenisms 59 & Katieisms 12…but it seems silly to keep separating them…so with the new year, they are now OKisms. 🙂

Owen: Mom, I love you so much I’d even kiss your eyeball.

Owen was playing with Katie.
WATCH OUT! I’m Lord Voldemort and I will electricery you!

Katie: I want an apple.
I start to grab an apple but she sees the onion on the counter.
Katie: That’s not an apple.
Me: I know. I have the apple here.
Katie: Good. I don’t want to eat that [the onion].

Owen accidentally pushed Katie over.
Owen: I’m sorry Katie.
Katie: You can’t do that! It’s rude!

Owen, while putting together Legos with Harry Potter on in the background.
It’s not lev-i-OH-sah it’s lev-i-oh-SAH!

Katie was playing with a tiny fairy she has.
I can’t carry you today because my back hurts.
(Can you tell I’ve said that a few times?)

Owen: Mom, I don’t like this puzzle.
Me: Why not?
Owen: I don’t know where the pieces go.

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