Catching up on school work

I’ve been very bad about scanning and posting Owen’s schoolwork/homework and art projects as they come home…so these are not really in any particular order, except I guessed on the dates and they’re all from about Thanksgiving to the end of the year. 🙂

The robot-like creatures are from a video game he plays with daddy and the numbers above them are their “health” in the game.

At the time he told me what this was, but we’ve both since forgotten.

This was from months ago, but I just took a picture of him with it this morning. It’s a playground he designed.
2014-10-12 owen playground 1

2014-10-12 owen playground 2

I love this monster!
2014-10-15 green monster

Better pictures of the satchel he made for the Thanksgiving Feast.
2014-11-19 indian bag 1

2014-11-19 indian bag 2

He came home with this turkey and honestly, the vegetable- and God-feathers threw me. One, he dislikes vegetables and two, we are not religious (and there has been no discussion of religion of any kind—not on purpose…it just hasn’t come up) so we were confused as to how he’d come up with being thankful for both those things. We asked him and he did the shrug-his-shoulders answer. I was thinking maybe he brought home the wrong turkey or took someone else’s feathers (because they didn’t really look like his handwriting) so I actually emailed his teacher! Turns out, after more subtle questioning, he just borrowed ideas from his classmates and copied some of the things they wrote!

2014-11-27 07.35.14



Owen was VERY excited about the Hour of Code and everyone got a certificate! (The Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify code and show that anybody can learn the basics.)
2014-12 hour of code



Mom, notice the bubble light? 🙂
2014-12-11 winter family events


They learned about all different holiday traditions…
2014-12-18 menorah

2014-12-19 hanukkah

2014-12-19 kwanzaa

2014-12-19 09.49.47


2014-12-19 12.08.58


2014-12-31 2015 calendar

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