We just signed Owen up for T-ball this spring!

Owen has been asking about playing baseball again and we told him we’d look into it…so I asked a few parents and got some basic info, but honestly didn’t DO anything. And then today, a flyer got sent home about T-ball/baseball starting up in the spring. Well there we go.

With his age bracket, it’s going to be pretty much like the last time he played (with the special needs group) in that everyone on the roster bats each inning, everyone is in the outfield, there are parents helping on both sides, and there are only three innings. The differences are they spend time learning the rules of the game, the names of the positions, the basic game plays (outs, runs, etc.), and how to catch and hit.

I know he won’t like the T-ball part of it because he can actually hit the ball, but the FAQ said that they will get pitches if the skill test determines he’s ready. So I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

Tom is super excited for this—hoping to help out at games and maybe some practices. I’m somewhat looking forward to it because I know they’ll love it, but all I see right now is $$$ for stuff (registration, equipment, uniforms) and running him to and from practices. Thankfully, most of the practices will be about two miles from the house (and right across from the library, so maybe Katie and I can hang out there during some practices).

It doesn’t start until spring, though, so we all have time to prepare. 🙂

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