Volunteering in Owen’s class!

We got an email from Owen’s teacher that they needed help in class this week to get ready for Thanksgiving. Tom was going to be working from home so I’d be able to go without Katie!

I was there a few minutes early so got to see them practicing a Thanksgiving song. Owen was a leader…until he saw me watching then got shy so he was replaced.


I was in charge of the art project—lacing yarn to make a pouch. I had to cut yarn lengths, tape the ends, and tie them to the pouches (then assist the kids). It’s amazing the differing abilities of all the kids—some pay attention and follow instructions well and some DO NOT. Let’s just say I was kept busy untangling and unthreading bad lacing. 🙂

Unfortunately, I didn’t get Owen at either of the two tables I was watching over (the art project and a coloring project).



I was asked if I could possibly come back tomorrow because no one else had responded yet. I said I could if I could bring Katie. The teacher had said before she thought it would be okay to bring Katie since she seemed to play well by herself. So I said we’d try it!

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