Katie’s first movie!

Tom wanted to take Owen to see Big Hero 6 and wondered if he should try taking Katie. I thought it was worth a try since she can sit still through movies at home…but I said I’d go shopping nearby in case things went south and he needed me to retrieve her. Of course I would be sad to miss being there for her first movie…but I got to do Owen’s first movie so it was only right that Tom get to do Katie’s!

She understood she was going to see a movie and on the way there this is all we heard:

“Movie. Movie. Movie. Movie. Movie. Movie. Movie. Movie.”

Once there she was having NONE OF IT while I was trying to take a picture. 🙂


Unfortunately the movie times had changed in the three days since we last checked, so Tom had an hour to kill at the mall. He said it went okay, and then I got these pics:




Tom said Katie was great for the majority of the movie—only getting fidgety towards the end (which is really good since it was almost two hours long!).


So it was a success! Yay Katie!

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