I really miss knowing the details of Owen’s day.

So, how does Owen like school? He LOVES it!

Unfortunately, we don’t get a lot of details out of him that make sense to us. For example, today was something about letters and a coconut tree (and a song?) and stringing rubberbands on boards. We ask if it was art or math or what…he doesn’t know and doesn’t really add more info.

Me: Were you stringing rubberbands to make patterns?
Owen: If you pull them too far they will break.
Me: Right, but what exactly were you doing with the rubberbands?
Owen: [BIG SIGH] I told you we were stringing them.

Yeah, I want him to be independent but I miss being able to go in the classroom everyday and talk to the teacher like I did in pre-k and see what they’ve been working on.

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