My little swimmers!

This isn’t the best video of how great Katie swims but it’s something (I have one week left to get a good video). She has no fear and just kick-kick-kicks her little legs so cute and motors around the pool.

Her favorite thing to do, however, is to climb up the ladder (not the steps—the ladder on the other side of the pool), walk two steps to the pool edge, then get back in the pool by sitting on her butt, rolling onto her stomach, then sliding into the pool. I hope to get a video of that, too. 🙂

Owen has apparently taught himself how to swim by watching other kids and maybe taking a few small tips from me (though he never seems to care, he must be listening). He obviously does better when he’s not holding a gun in one of his hands but it’s still miles ahead of where he was just a few weeks ago.

I can’t wait to get them both lessons next summer.

Both kids also like playing with other kids. Two little girls were there and at break time (when the kids have to get out of the big pool) they were all in the kiddie pool. The girls started to leave and Katie piped up: “Guys! Guys?” Their mom told them the little girl wanted them to stay, so they did. 🙂 Later when they did leave, Katie said “Bye! See you soon!” 🙂 Later, Owen was over playing ball with the girls and Katie had to be right in the middle of it. 🙂

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