Getting another ninja!

Ever since Owen got the little toy ninja at the grocery store the other day, he’s been talking pretty much non-stop about getting another ninja. First he wanted a blue one then it was definitely a green one—and I told him that he couldn’t pick the color and he’d have to be happy with whatever one he got. He wanted to go get one RIGHT NOW…multiple times a day. I told him that the next time we went to that store, he could take his money and get one. Well, of course, he then asked multiple times a day if we were going to that store.

Well, this afternoon was finally the time. He got dressed with me only asking once (rare), picked a quarter out of his bank, and put it safely in his shorts pocket. On the way to the store, he asked “How do I get the toy?” I said it was in a machine that he had to put the money in. He wasn’t sure about that and I said I’d show him when we got there. When we entered the store he was SUPER excited—but he knew he had to wait until AFTER the shopping was done and we had checked out (the machines are right at checkout). He even said a few times “I’m being good and waiting!” 🙂

Then out of nowhere he says “I know how the machine works! You put the coin in the slot and turn the handle and make sure your hand is underneath it to catch it!” Of course he was 100% right—we must have gotten him something in the past but hell if I can remember what or when it was but of course he remembers!

So we shopped…and then it was time.


And he got the green one! YIPPEE!

You would NOT believe the excitement over a 25-cent piece of plastic. 🙂

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