Owen made a friend at the pool!

So we were at the pool again today and Owen was having a blast in the big pool (though he typically still wants to start in the kiddie pool). There were a few kids playing around and one had water guns and diving rings—which he noticed IMMEDIATELY so of course he zeroed in on him and wanted to play with the gun. I told him he had to ask—which he did. And they played for a bit. Then we went back to the kiddie pool for a bit (for 10 minutes every hour, kids have to leave the pool and it’s adults only—so we just go to the kiddie pool because they’re still young enough). And while we were in there, the kid with the guns/rings came in saying “My dad said I should come meet you.” 🙂 So I had them introduce themselves and then I asked a few questions—his name is Eli and he’ll be in first grade. It was so cute watching them together.

Then it was time to go back in the big pool and they had a blast throwing and chasing the rings. Eli is quite a good swimmer and Owen started mimicking him—it was hilarious! He pushes off into the water like he knows what he’s doing and he kicks his feet…but his arms just flail madly and he doesn’t really go anywhere but he’s trying so hard and he’s having so much fun and he excitedly says “I’M SWIMMING!” 🙂 So then Eli’s dad came over to the edge of the pool (where I was with Katie) and introduced himself and we chatted for a few minutes (he’s familiar with Michigan—his family had a cabin around Grand Rapids). So the kids got along and Eli let Owen borrow two rings when they were leaving. I said we’d be back at the same time the next day!

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