Owen has a loose tooth!

Owen was eating an apple and watching a movie. Tom was unpacking the office and I was upstairs checking on a napping Katie when I heard Owen crying behind me. Of course I was confused why he came to me since Tom had been right there with him.

So I’m trying to get information out of him to figure out where Tom is and what’s wrong and he just looked and sounded so pathetic but all he was saying was something about his tooth. Yep, it turns out one of his lower front teeth is loose, and eating the apple obviously loosened it and he got freaked out. He eventually admitted he was scared.

So we had a talk about how it just meant he was growing up, he’s getting bigger and healthier adult teeth, etc. He knows all about it from school, including the whole tooth fairy thing. So I got excited and said “Let’s go downstairs and find daddy and tell him the good news!” He thought that was a good idea so off we went and as soon as I saw Tom he said “Did you see Owen’s tooth!”

Wait. What?

Yeah, turns out he WAS there when it happened, he told Owen every single thing [which I then repeated], and he was the one who sent Owen up to tell me the good news! Kids!

Owen was still sniffling a bit and didn’t want a loose tooth, etc., and was a bit grouchy.


He did let Tom cut his apple into pieces, and by the time Katie got up from her nap about 15 minutes later, he was all excited: “Katie! Katie! I have a loose tooth and it’s going to come out!” 🙂

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