Moving…on the other end.

Tom stayed to finish out the packing and loading. The two women were there until about noon (a little longer than they planned). Then after they left Tom got a call that they wanted to start loading today! Awesome!

By 3:30 Tom had most of our U-haul stuff loaded. By 4:00 the truck was at our house.


They weren’t actually loading, but just getting all the big stuff (like furniture and rugs) wrapped and packed and ready to be loaded.


“These guys are good!” They put plastic on the carpet and protection on the wood floor—something that’s never been done before! (We generally put down stuff ourselves.)



Then Tom lost Bella for awhile. He eventually found her IN the corner piece of sectional. Silly kitty hates the carrier.

Tom said “Wait till you see this load. Every piece of furniture is wrapped with blankets! And not only does every piece of furniture have a blanket, it also has cardboard taped to the front. Best. Move. Ever.” (So I rate the women packers a 6 and the packing/loading guys a 12.)




They worked until about 9 and are picking up two more guys in the morning to speed it up.

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