Extreme moment of panic.

When we left to go to the grocery store this morning I just took the garage door opener and no keys—what we’ve been doing. So we get home and I open the garage door, but wait—the inner door is locked. Shit. Yes, I did lock it last night—something I never do, but new house and all… And the front door is one of those that opens even when locked (I HATE THOSE) so I walked out and locked us out. And I knew the back door was locked.

Shit. Shit shit shit.

And I knew I had the only house keys because the landlord told me yesterday to make a set because those were the only ones he had.


F*** F*** F***!!!!!


Then for some reason I tried the garage door again and it pushed open. I obviously hadn’t shut it tight. Stupid me…but hallelujah.

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