Why? Why? Why?

Owen: Mama, what does that sign say?
Me: Season’s Greetings, City of Jacksonville.
Owen: Why?
Me: Because that’s what it says.
Owen: Why? Why mama why?

Me: I need to go out at the light.
Owen: What does that mean?
Me: It means I need to exit the parking lot at the traffic light so it’s easier to take our turn.
Owen: Why?
Me: So we don’t have to wait as long.
Owen: Why? Why mama why?

Me: Owen, you need to pick up some toys.
Owen: Why?
Me: Because I asked you to and it’s one of your chores.
Owen: Why?

Me: You need to get dressed for school.
Owen: Why?
Me: Because you have to go to school today.
Owen: Why?
Me: Because it’s a school day.
Owen: Why?

Me: Owen, it’s time to pick up toys.
Owen: Why?
Me: Because it’s one of your chores.
Owen: Why?

Me: Owen, please drink your juice.
Owen: Why? Why mama why?

Me: Owen, you need to put your shoes on.
Owen: Why?
Me: Because you want to go outside.
Owen: Why?
Me: I don’t know, why do you want to go outside?

Me: Owen, you need a jacket.
Owen: Why?
Me: It’s chilly out.
Owen: Why? Why mama why?

Owen: There’s no wind no rain no storm?
Me: No.
Owen: Why?

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