The story of my life…specifically deployment.

I like to think I can handle most things while Tom is gone…big or little. Maybe with some bitching and moaning (and sometimes outside help) but for the most part, I like to be self-sufficient. But things out of my control often hinder me. Like today.

The soccer ball needs inflating. No biggie, we have a portable air compressor…I’ll just haul it out, plug it in, change tips, and voilá!

Except no.

We have every other connector—including the ball injector tip—except we’re missing the connector piece that goes between the handle and the ball tip. Of course it’s not in it’s place where it should be (on the unit itself) and there’s no chance in hell of me finding it in the garage.

So $6 at Amazon later I have another full set (5 pieces I don’t need, one I do) on its way…but I’m still frustrated.

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