Spirit Week: 80s Day

Again, I had to ask for help in figuring out just what Owen could wear for 80s Day. We don’t have any neon, I can’t peg his pants (too hard for him to get out of if necessary), no big sunglasses, no legwarmers, no parachute pants, no penny loafers, no pastel tees and white jackets…and I refused to spend any money. I still can’t get over why they don’t have simple days like “hat day” or “backwards day” — seriously, 80s day? I’m guessing most of the parents were BORN in the 80s or later. :/

Anyway, these colors are much darker than I wanted them to be, but it was the only “set” that came anywhere close to matching. I tried putting gel in his hair but I have no experience with that and his hair is a little long. If I had planned ahead and practiced it might have worked better, but again, that’s a lot of work for pre-k spirit week. šŸ™‚

The thing he was MOST excited about was his new ninja shoes (they’re ninja shoes because they came with a comic book that has ninjas in it). All morning he kept saying “I can’t wait to show everyone at school my new ninja shoes!”



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