Owenisms 27

Driving into town, Owen saw a John Deere.
Owen: Gramma Jean has that at her house!

We were talking about babysitters and I asked who his babysitters were.
Owen: I got no idea.
Me: Yes, you do.
Owen: I don’t!
Me: Miss Virginia.
Owen: Yes!
Me: Who else?
Owen: Amy! And Miss Hailey [Amy’s daughter].
Me: You’re right!
I thought we were done, but a few moments later…
Owen: And papa and Grannie!

Watching and responding to Bubble Guppies.
BG: What kind of dinosaur are you?
Owen: I’m an Owen!

Owen: If I break this puppet, Santa will bring me a new one.
Me: Are you sure?
Owen: Yes!
Me: Just because you break a toy doesn’t mean Santa will bring you a new one.
Owen: Then he’ll fix it with his Santa glue.

Owen was playing with his rubber snake. He wrapped it around his eyes.
Owen: She’s my eye cape.

Owen used to love when we’d do serpentine in the car on the way home. (“Serpentine” is from the movie Cars so of course he loved it.) But now?
Me: Owen, do you want me to serpentine?
Owen: No, because you might hit the trees…or the bushes…or the truck…or the boys…or the girls…or the adults. I just want to go home.

After two full plates of strawberries, cheese balls, and cocoa almonds:
Owen: Mama, can I have more snack?
Me: More?
Owen: Yes! My belly is still snoring.

Owen: I love my new shoes! They’re my matchbox shoes!
Me: Matchbox? Like your cars?
Owen: Yes! Because they go fast!

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