Owenisms 25

We were trying to get out of the house and I had Katie in one arm and her diaper bag in the other and the shoes I wanted weren’t on the rack so I kicked out some other sandals and was trying to put them on but I just couldn’t slide my foot under the strap. Owen was watching me.
Owen: Mom, here, let me get that for you.
And he squatted down and held the strap so I could put my foot in. Then he did the second one. What. A. Kid.

Owen had unspooled about 50′ of hose off the deck playing fireman. I told him he had to reel it back in. He was trying and trying and couldn’t get it.
Owen: Mom, I just don’t have enough force.
Me: :!

Owen: I’m going to go play with my Legos. You watch my sister. Tell me if anything happens and I’ll come running.

Me: Owen, can you let Maggie in?
Owen: Moooom! I’m not done talking to my troll!

Owen: Remember when I was this age? [He holds his hand up to his eyebrows.]

Me: Owen, do you want to go outside and play?
Owen: No.
Me: Why not?
Owen: The sky is gray.
Me: That’s okay. It just means the sun isn’t out so it’s not super hot.
Owen: No. I like it better inside. It’s nice in here. The fan is on.
I can’t argue with that!

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