Getting Owen cleaned out: Day 1

The hospital finally called about 10:30 and my sitter came over and even though I was mostly packed and prepped, we didn’t leave until noon (and that included turning around—thankfully before we left the subdivision—to get his B that he forgot to grab).

They weighed and measured him—holy
cow! He’s at 59.8# and 46″ tall!

Just chilling, waiting.


You can see where I get to sleep in the background.


Once he was watching TV he was okay…but he did keep asking for snacks. Poor kid…the last thing he ate was cereal for breakfast. I was going to give him a snack on the way then forgot…and of course all he can have is clear liquids.

I talked to the doctor and she’s really nice. Gave her the quick run through on his status. Of course, the past few days—that he’s been completely off Miralax—he’s pooped just fine…so I was thinking the Miralax was the issue. But…he had pooping issues before the Miralax so we really need to do this to make sure we’re starting from scratch. The doc agreed, saying the X-ray would, of course, show us what was going on.

Getting the X-ray—it came right to us!


Then it was more waiting. And then the doc came and said “Oh yes. He needs it.” She took me back to see the X-ray. She said it’s not that bad, but you can definitely see it in the lower part of his intestine. So I went back and explained to Owen that the picture showed he had lots of poop in his body—and he wanted to see it. So I took him down to see it and the doctor explained it to him as well. By the time I finished talking to the doctor I came back to see this:


Yeah, he loves the adjustable bed. 🙂

Then he was playing doctor with his patients. He diagnosed the turtle with something-I-couldn’t-decipher-poopinosis. Thank you, Doc McStuffins. 🙂


Then. Unfortunately, it was time for the blood draw and tube down the nose. He was a rock star with the blood…


And LOVED his special Spider-Man webbing…


And then they started the drugs. And it was hilarious seeing him loopy.

But then the torture began. Three people holding him down (while he was wrapped in a cocoon) while one nurse tried to insert the tube. And she couldn’t get it. She tried twice. Then another nurse tried. Then they went to a smaller, shorter tube—which went really quickly, but he was already through the roof. Poor kid.


Then back in the room he was a hot mess. Part of it was the meds, but most of it was just him not being comfortable or having any fun. He didn’t want his B, the TV, a movie, or any of his prizes. He didn’t want me to sit with him. He didn’t want dinner (which is good since he can’t have any).

The hardest part is he’d be calm one minute then crying the next saying “I don’t want this [the port in his arm] anymore.” Or “Can I take this [the tube] out now?”

One of his calm moments watching TV:


Then he’d ask to see what was on his face so I’d show him and/or take a picture.


Everyone has been nice and the place is quiet, but there’s a lot of waiting. At our 3.5 hour mark (after arrival), he still wasn’t even getting the stuff to make him poop. I know there’s a process…but I wanted it to go faster. 🙁

This is where he landed since he didn’t want to be in his bed.


He actually told me to take a picture!


Then they delivered his “clear liquids” dinner. I got him excited about the “orange ice cream” but he didn’t like it. And of course he said no to trying jello and broth. And I knew he wouldn’t like the tea or cranberry juice. Since I was starving I had the broth (my only option for food on a Sunday night is in the main hospital—and I’m not sure I want to leave him alone…and I forgot to bring snacks). I also tried the orange italian dessert and honestly can’t blame him for not liking it. The lemon jello wasn’t thrilling, either.

Then they came back to take another X-ray to make sure the tube was in correctly (it was).

So while I was trying to work on this blog post, I kept getting errors. Come to find out:


SERIOUSLY? Adult and pornography? I called the number and didn’t get anywhere. The guy couldn’t do anything (he said “it’s Sunday—no one is here”). And he had no idea if anyone would do anything anyway. So, so much for using free wifi. 😐

Owen finally asked for some juice about 6—then drank an apple and grape juice—then seemed in better spirits. I “took a walk” to check out the vending machines and ended up with cheese crackers. I guess that’s dinner. Though I did check out the cafe menu for tomorrow…and I’m definitely eating there. 🙂

After about an hour or so, Owen announced he wasn’t cranky anymore. 🙂 And then he had more fun playing with the bed and was just watching TV.


They started the IV about 7 and when he wasn’t pooping by 9 they increased the medicine. As we’re going to bed now (9:30) he still hasn’t pooped…so I anticipate a sleepless and messy night.

Yeah, speaking of being here overnight…there’s no way I could NOT stay overnight (I laugh now that I was even considering it). And obviously no one is in the room with him aside from me—plus he has to drag the IV with him—so I’ll be doing all that. Which I’m fine with…but they should really tell you that beforehand. Of course I’ll have zero problems paging the Nurse if there are any messes. 🙂 (But she told me to page her when he gets up so she can take his vitals then instead of waking him up.)

So, two cute stories:

I needed to hit the vending machines earlier so I made sure Owen was okay that I was leaving for a few minutes. Sure, no problem. A little while later I told him I “needed to go for a walk to stretch my legs” (which really meant another trip to the vending machine) and he says “Don’t be a stranger!” Where does he get this stuff?! 🙂

He loved his Spider-Man web hand, but wanted to take it off since it was interfering with him holding his juice. So we took it off but then he had to go potty. Well, somehow, in the 10′ round trip between the bed and toilet we lost the glove. I searched but it was nowhere! So I had to hunt down a nurse to ask for more webbing.

Nurse: Oh, does he need it for his IV?
Me: No, he lost his Spider-Man hand.
Nurse, chuckling: Ahhh! No problem.

And with that…good night.

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