Owenisms 21

Me: If you’d like, your milk is in the fridge.
Owen: [Thumbs up.]

Owen: Mama, you watch your TV. I’m going to go play with my Legos.

Owen: Mama, can I have my dessert? I was a good boy sleeping long.
Me: No. You haven’t even had breakfast yet.
It took me awhile to figure out what he meant because he was up at 7. But then he hopped into bed and cuddled with me while I slept to 7:30. 🙂

Owen: Mama, I need a new B.
Me: Why?
Owen: Because I lost my next one for good.

Owen: Holding up a Lego trident.Mom, what’s this gold thing?
Before I can answer—
Owen: It’s a trident. Who’s the underwater king?
Me: King Neptune.
Owen: Mom, thanks for saying King Neptune.

As I’m lifting Katie up onto the couch…
Owen: I want to hold my sister.
Me: Okay, on your lap?
Owen: NO!
Me: ???

Owen: I’m done [with dinner].
Tom: Let me stick a fork in you.
Owen: No! I don’t want to get little holes because I don’t like it and I’d be sad.

Trying to put his scabbard in his underwear and finding it difficult.
Owen: Mama! I need pants!


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