Katie’s Kiddie Pool

We finally got out the small pool I had bought for Katie about two months ago. Unfortunately, I didn’t look really closely at what I bought, and it’s not so much a pool as a splash pad—which requires a constantly-running hose to keep the side of the “pool” up and the sprinklers going. (I had just thought we wouldn’t use the hose for the sprinklers part…but if you don’t, the sides don’t fill up to hold the water.) So…we can’t use warm tap water in it so Katie gets chilled pretty quickly—even when it’s 85 degrees out. But, she still liked it. And, of course, Owen LOVES it. He was more enamored with it than his big pool!








One Reply to “Katie’s Kiddie Pool”

  1. So cute! Remember when Owen would try to grab the water spout? Cute. I bought them a swimming pool for when they are here. It’s not teenie. Should be fun for them.

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