Star Trek Patio Party

We headed to DC this weekend for another Patio Party (the last one was in 2008) with the TiVo peeps. The two main events were—obviously—a viewing of the new Star Trek movie and a party on a patio. 🙂

Tom cleaning off the patio:


Me at my first Coke Freestyle machine:


The best seats EVER at a movie theater—electric reclining leather seats (no flash on my self-taken photo because a lady two rows behind us threw a hissy fit that people were using their flashes…before the lights even dimmed and WAY before the movie was even close to starting):




Our group that saw the non-3D version of the movie:


One of our good friends, Andrew:


My obligatory self-portrait pose (taken specifically for Andrew because he gives me grief about taking those pictures):


A recreation of a 2008 Patio Party photo:


And that’s about all the photos. We take a lot less pics now for whatever reason…

The only bad thing about the weekend was that my drink of choice for the evening—vodka and Monster [energy drink]—apparently reacts completely different with my body than it used to and I did not get one wink of sleep Saturday night. 😐 This was NOT the best time or place to have to realize this…away from home with a 6-hour drive ahead of us and nighttime plans once we do get home.

Once we got on the road and grabbed a quick hot breakfast at Panera, it was off to Ikea for a quick visit to pick up Owen’s present (he always gets a present when we come back).

So overall it was a good—though short—weekend!

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