Katie the screaming attention whore.

So, as I’ve mentioned, Katie does not like to be left alone. But, I have to do it now and again to help Owen in the bathroom or prep dinner or something so she was kind of used to it. Didn’t love it but would get over it quick enough.

However, I think she got REALLY spoiled when the babysitters were here for the weekend. They mentioned she spent A LOT of time in their arms.


Now my life is hell. Okay, not really, but OH MY GOD she cries a lot. And I feel bad for being annoyed by it but OH MY GOD it’s annoying. Of course I feel like the worst parent ever for being (irrationally?) annoyed with the crying…but she’s not in pain, she’s not hungry, she’s not dirty—she just wants attention. And it’s a new thing (the quantity anyway) and it’s annoying. And have I mentioned it’s annoying? 🙂

We’re outside right now and she’s in her kiddie enclosure next to me screaming…so I got in with her and she stopped. I stayed for 10 minutes playing and she was happy. I get out and she immediately—IMMEDIATELY—starts crying. Sorry, kid, my knees can’t take being bent in there, I can’t let you crawl loose, but I need to be out here since Owen is in the pool. Those are the breaks. If I try to hold her on my lap the crying stops…but then she’s a wiggle worm that’s—I think, if possible—even more annoying.

This photo is therefore entitled “SOMEBODY PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!!”


And this is what we’ve had to listen to on and off (but mostly on) for the past hour.

Seriously, kid. Mama has a headache. Cool it with the screaming already.


EDITED TO ADD: She must have known I was at my limit, because I picked her up and she did this. For just long enough for me to get a picture. 🙂


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