Random Alphabeticals

Owen happens to turn on the French version of Katie’s activity table then half sings along to the ABCs in French. He has no idea it’s another language, he’s just mimicking the sounds…but it’s hilarious.

I also sing the alphabet backwards (one of my strange skills) and he says “No no no!” But he’s obviously been paying attention because he has about the first six letters memorized. 🙂

He’ll also use just one letter but use the alphabet tune: A-A-A-A-A-A-A…A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A…A-A-A…A-A-A…A-A-A-A.

And, lastly, he sings the alphabet ALL. THE. TIME. Multiple times daily. I think it’s already been about four times this morning. 🙂

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