Myrtle Beach!

Well, technically Garden City Beach, just south of Myrtle Beach.

It was a trip—so to speak—getting here, as I had to load most of the car myself in the rain and then drive the first hour in a major downpour…but really the drive was uneventful.

Hauling in the first of two carts full:


Then Owen asked grandpa David to go down to the ocean. Gramma Jean and I watched from the 15th floor:


Then I decided to be a good mom and go down and take a few pictures (since Gramma Jean could stay with a napping Katie). This is Owen’s new Aqua-Zooka toy!




Coming home:


Miss Katie crawling over and through everything:


Grandma Jean says:

It’s been chilly, but we’ve taken Owen down to the beach and he loves running in and out of the water, even though it is about 52 degrees. His little legs were RED when we brought him back in he first day! He had a smile on his face, so that was worth it. Grampa took him down the first day and was wearing his heavy coat and fur hat while Owen had shorts on.

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